Thursday, August 16, 2012

Testimonial from retired beautician

To Whom It May Concern:

I have been a patient of Dr. Sheena for the past 3 months.  I have experienced remarkable rapid improvements with many physical problems. I was almost to the point of immobility because of lower back pain.  Dr. Sheena was very accurate in diagnosing the challenges I was having on a daily basis and applying appropriate adjustments with each visit.  What's more is that her adjustments only feel like a light touch.  She also offered me fascinating and helpful advice on nutrition and food choices.

I have been to many chiropractors since I was first diagnosed with scoliosis and flat feet at age 12.  I had some modest temporary improvements. When I was 38, I suffered a broken femur and shattered knee as the result of a slip and fall. Twenty years later, many problems began to emerge as a result of the accident; my being overweight, and standing on my feet all day on cement floors.  Kaiser did x-rays and an MRI. I was diagnosed with 3 herniated discs, lumbar spinal stenosis, and some arthritis, all in L2 and L3.

After reading about the NUCCA therapy online and meeting Dr. Sheena in person, I was very excited about starting treatment.  I just wanted to be pain free and I wanted my hair to stop falling out.  I received so much more.  My balance improved after the first session because my feet were working again.  Circulation began to return to my extremities. My hair began to come back. The veins and skin on my legs are clearing.  I have feeling in my toes and fingertips.   Unexpectedly, my sense of smell returned, and the bladder problem that I have had for 10 years is now nearly non-existent.   I have pain-free days now.   I no longer have muscle spasms when I roll over in the night. I don't have to sit on a stool to cook dinner. I can walk across a parking lot, shop in a department store for an hour, and stand at the register without using a walker. I am looking forward to beginning yoga as recommended by Dr. Sheena to strengthen my muscles and improve my posture.  I now have hope that I can live the rest of my life pain-free.

Thank You Dr. Sheena!

Ms. L. M.
age 64
Newark, CA

Call Dr. Sheena today (530) 263-8460

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