My name is Dr. Sheena.
I am a very special kind of doctor that gets sick people well. No, I really mean it. Most
doctors enable sick people to be sick. They give them medicines, drugs,
injections, perform surgeries to cut out or add in parts….but they don’t get
sick people to be healthy.
Here’s the thing:
not only do I get sick, ill, suffering people well, I do it without medicines, drugs, injections, and
surgeries. How? What possibly could a doctor do to get people feeling and
functioning better than they ever have, without chemicals and scalpels? Here’s your answer: This doctor understands more about how
and why things go right and work properly in the human body than any other doctor in this town (maybe even in
this county), and knows how to unlock that potential with an all-together
different technique than any MD, osteopath, massage therapist, or most chiropractors can imagine or perform.
You have been led to believe you are a bunch of parts that
malfunction all the time, and that you need pills and laser treatments to cope
with your inevitable decay. It’s
a lie. You are far more than a sum of your parts. You can, and deserve, to be better and more every day of your life.
If you are fine with falling apart and rotting more
everyday, ignore this message. If
you are ready to change dimensions, read on.
As you know, your brain controls everything in your
body. But how does it control your
body? The answer is nerves. We
often only think of nerves when we think of painful things, but nerves do more
than transmit pain messages. When
it comes to the number and types of nerves that connect the brain to the body,
only about 10% of those nerves are the pain-transmitting type. The other 90% don’t “feel”
anything…they make your heart beat, your muscles move your arms, allow you to
hear, keep you balanced as you walk down the sidewalk, etc. As long as those nerves are not
interfered with, things are great, and you have perfect health. But nerves often do get pinched, or
irritated, and in most cases, there will be no pain to warn you.
How do those nerves get irritated or pinched, causing the
body and its systems to malfunction?
They get pinched by the bones of the neck and back (vertebrae) when they
misalign or get “stuck” in one position.
The areas of the spine where bones are in the wrong place and putting
pressure on the nerve system and causing harm to the organs, glands, and other
systems of the body are called subluxations. One of the most dangerous places in the
spine to have subluxation is the top of the neck. That is because it causes a chain reaction in the rest of
the spine, and is often the reason people have ringing in the ears (tinnitus),
vertigo (dizziness), poor metabolism and low energy, and have a hard time
healing and coping with stress.
Think about it. A
broken neck can mean being paralyzed, being hooked up to machines that keep
your lungs breathing, your heart beating, and eliminate your wastes from your
bowels and bladder…or even death.
You don’t die from pain when you have a broken neck! You die because the life giving nerves
to your body are completely crushed.
Doesn’t it make sense,
then, that bones in the neck that are crooked and stuck, putting
pressure on your nerves, are the reason for your illness and discomfort? Now
that you know this, I must ask you another question: if pinched or irritated nerves are the reason for your
illness and discomfort, what is the point of drugs, medicines, needles, and
knives? Why not adjust the
spine—the cause of the problem—and
take the interference away from the brain and body communication pathways, so
healing can take place, and normal function can just happen naturally? Other wise, the nerves stay pinched,
and you just dump toxic chemicals into, and mutilate, an incredible living
machine that knows how to and can be 100% healthy, but just has some kinked wiring!
I find your kinks, and GENTLY unkink them….then…(here is the
best part)…I step back and watch your body do the rest.
It’s a beautiful and amazing show every time.
me a call if you are ready to find out if you have subluxation, and are ready
to get those subluxations corrected.
-Dr. Sheena
(530) 263 - 8460