Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Drugs are Medicine's most common answer for seizures. Have you considered the health of your spine, or Chiropractic?

My name is Mr. J.B., I am a business owner in the Colfax/Weimar area.  I am also a yogi and physically active in many ways, enjoying all sorts of hobbies and intensive sports.  I consider myself a "Renaissance man."

With all the living I do and have done, physical traumas have definitely occurred.  I've been in several accidents, including dirt bike, skateboard, and one really terrible car accident when I was a teenager.  I was thrown from a car and still carry the scars.

Early this year I began receiving care at Kind & Gentle Chiropractic.   For the two years prior, my health status was sporadic, and for a year I was having seizures at first every 3 months, then monthly.  I tried many other things before coming to Dr. Sheena (including acupuncture and herbs), but nothing was giving any lasting help with my problems.

Dr. Sheena ended up finding a grossly out of place C3 vertebra that was pinching my spinal cord.  She's worked on that, and other areas of my spine requiring fine tuning.  I haven't had a seizure in 8 months.

I come every other week to her office now for wellness care.  When I leave, I feel more open and free in my body, and I can literally feel better alignment in my neck than maybe ever before.    I've also noticed that I don't feel the same stress and anxiety in my everyday life that I once did.

I'm excited to be back to my old self.

--age 39

Call Dr. Sheena today 530.263.8460