Hello anyone who is curious about chiropractic, and what it may be able to do for you...
I'm 67 years old, and I consider myself pretty active. I love to hunt, fish, and hike. For quite some time I looked forward to getting older, but not "getting old." That was a struggle though, as I did find myself with feet that were chronically sore, especially after I would go for a long trip in the woods. I tried using special socks and shoes, even special inserts, but the pain would only marginally improve or be staved off.
For years I had stiffness and tightness in my back and neck, and tightness in my hamstrings. As a retired Air Force veteran, I went to see the base chiropractor some time ago, but he couldn't get my back to adjust! He tried adding extra force, but nothing would align, and he said I was too tight to adjust. I figured that maybe since I was older and have had scoliosis most of my life, that I was just going to have to continue with my body the way it was.
One particular chiropractic patient of Dr. Sheena's suggested that I go see her. I had heard about and seen some of the results this patient had, so I thought, why not? Maybe she can find or do something the other practitioners had not been able to see or do. I also heard Dr. Sheena used an all-together different method of adjusting the spine, something much more gentle and precise than what had been done to me.
Well, the rest is history. She told me that yes, I do have scoliosis, and I also have pelvis and neck alignment issues from all the jumping out and off of air planes that I did for all those years. Those alignment issues were a little more complicated than the other doc may have realized, and needed to be adjusted in layers of treatments, so the nerves and muscles could start doing their own work again, and without shocking the whole system in the process.
After just a few weeks I noticed a difference in my range of motion, strength, and bending abilities. At this point, I really feel great and the bottom line is that everything feels better. I have more flexibility, far less stiffness, better posture, and less foot pain.
Last week I went on a big hunting trip, and spent the week stomping all over Montana, and my feet never bothered me once. What's most surprising, though, is how I can feel and am aware of my actual physical alignment. I can tell that I am walking straighter, and that, I think, increases the benefits of the actual alignment.
--Mr. W.L
Vacaville, CA
Call Dr. Sheena today (530) 263-8460